CLOSE (2019)
EMM#: 3266
Added: 10/04/2019
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(5,6 out of 10)
Azione (Thriller)
1 h 35 min - 95 min
Directed by Vicky Jewson
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Noomi Rapace
Olivia Jewson
Abdellatif Chaouqi
Sophie Nélisse
Sam è una guardia del corpo esperta in azioni antiterrorismo, la incontriamo infatti mentre protegge alcuni giornalisti da un agguato alla loro auto. A Sam viene quindi assegnato un nuovo incarico, proteggere la giovane ereditiera Zoe, che era andata a letto con la precedente guardia del corpo. La sua matrigna, che al momento gestisce la compagnia mineraria di famiglia, sostituisce quindi con Sam il custode della ragazza, ma già poco dopo il suo arrivo la situazione precipita con un agguato alla villa dove Zoe alloggia. Sam e la ragazza si ritroveranno così in fuga da assassini e poliziotti corrotti, mentre la società di famiglia affronta una crisi del proprio valore in borsa quando Zoe viene accusata di omicidio.
Noomi Rapace (Sam Carlson) Olivia Jewson (Sarah) Abdellatif Chaouqi (Joe) Sophie Nélisse (Zoe Tanner) Huw Parmenter (Adam) Cherise Silvestri (Camille Simard) Indira Varma (Rima Hassine) Sargon Yelda (Anas) Robin Kermode (Edward) Charley Palmer Rothwell (Nico) Eoin Macken (Conall Sinclair) Akin Gazi (Alik)
Near the beginning of the film, when Sam is reviewing Zoe's file on the plane, Zoe's birthday is shown as 03-08-99. Later, Zoe's birthday is shown to be 03-08-02 (the code to the computer), a difference of 3 years.
Near the beginning of the film, as Sam is driven to Zoe's residence, she is informed that Zoe's mother passed away when Zoe was 10. In a later scene near the end, she and Zoe discuss how Zoe's mother passed away when Zoe was 8.
At 42 minutes when Sam is putting her hair up, it changes from being almost completely up, to down, and back.
When Sam is reading Zoe's dossier, Zoe's birthday is written as 03.08.99. When Zoe enter's her birthday as a security password she enters it at 030802.
For the "principal costume standby" credit in the end credits, the word "principal" is misspelled as "principle".
During the invasion of the house, one of the invader's ARs are shown with no rear sight or optical sight, only the front sight base.This would not be a likely scenario in any reasonable situation.
At 33 minutes after Alik shoots one of the invaders, his slide locks back (indicating an empty magazine, no rounds left, aka he only had 2 blanks) yet he continues down the hall, and in the next shot the slide is forward again (indicating, once more, a loaded weapon)